Habanos are recognized worldwide for their high quality, exquisiteness and exclusivity. There is a wide range of brands with more than 250 different types of cigars. The unit of measurement most frequently used to measure the length is millimeters (mm) and the diameter is known as “ring gauge”. Currently, Habanos cigars range from 100mm to over 230mm and their ring gauge varies from 26 to 60.
You may have often heard the word “vitola” mentioned among smokers. When they talk about vitola, they are referring to the size of the cigar.
There are two types of vitola:
- Vitola de galera: this is the name given to the cigar at the factory.
- Vitola de salida: the commercial name given to the cigar once it leaves the factory, which can be seen on the box.
It may happen that sometimes the name of the vitola de galera and the vitola de salida is the same, as is the case of the famous Cohiba Robusto, Montecristo Edmundo and Petit Edmundo.
Below, you can see some examples of the different vitolas de galera that exist and the commercial name they have once they leave the factory:
Trade name: Petit Corona
Dimensions: 129mm x 42 ring gauge
Smoking time: about 30 minutes
Trade name: Corona
Dimensions: 142mm x 42 ring gauge
Smoking time: about 30-40 minutes
Trade name: Lancero
Dimensions: 192mm x 38 ring gauge
Smoking time: about 1h and a half hours
Trade name: Siglo VI
Dimensions: 150mm x 52 ring gauge
Smoking time: about 1h
Trade name: Petit Edmundo
Dimensions: 110mm x 52 ring gauge
Smoking time: Between 20-25minutes
Trade name: EDMUNDO
Dimensions: 135mm x 52 ring gauge
Smoking time: Between 50min and 1h
Trade name: Churchill
Dimensions: 178mm x 47 ring gauge
Smoking time: 1h onwards
Trade name: Doble corona
Dimensions: 194mm x 49 ring gauge
Smoking time: about 1h and 30
Trade name: Robusto
Dimensions: 124mm x 50 ring gauge
Smoking time: between 30 and 40 minutes
Trade name: Torpedo
Dimensions: 156mm x 52 ring gauge
Smoking time: about 1h:15min
Trade name: Doble figurado
Dimensions: 145mm x 46 ring gauge
Smoking time: about 40min
Trade name: Tres Petit Corona (TPC)
Dimensions: 102mm x 40 ring gauge
Smoking time: about 20min
Trade name: Panetela
Dimensions: 115mm x 26 ring gauge
Smoking time: between 15 and 20 minutes