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The history of Juan López cigars is shrouded in mystery and legend, adding to their allure among aficionados. Founded in the 1870s by Juan López Díaz, the brand has been less known than others but commands loyal devotion from those who appreciate its excellent cigars. Though its exact origins are debated, it has consistently produced high-quality handcrafted cigars using tobacco from the Vuelta Abajo region. The brand has experienced ups and downs over the years, from its nationalization during the Revolution to a decline in the 1970s. Nevertheless, it has maintained its presence in the market, offering a limited but exceptional selection of cigars. Among its highlights are the Seleccion No. 1, a grand corona with notes of wood, leather, earth, and spice; the Seleccion No. 2, a classic robusto with powerful flavors of nuts, wood, and spice; and the Seleccion Especial, a robust and potent vitola recently introduced. Despite its scant documented history, Juan López cigars have endured for over 150 years due to their quality and distinctive character. Their appeal lies both in their delicious flavor and the mystery surrounding them, making them an irresistible choice for true tobacco connoisseurs.
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